Dudhkoshi Storage Hydroelectric Project (DKSHEP) is a storage type hydropower project with total installed capacity of 635 MW capable of addressing prevailing power and energy deficit during dry season. The project is proposed to be built in the Dudhkoshi River.
At present, with the support from Asian Development Bank (ADB) under grant 0361-
NEP: PPFE, NEA is conducting the updated feasibility study and detailed design of this project. A contract agreement was made between NEA and ELC Electroconsult S.p.A. (Italy) in association with NEWJEC Inc. (Japan) on 30 May, 2016 to perform related investigations, Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Impact Study, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Bidding Documents. The Consultant has submitted Updated Feasibility Study Report, Pre-qualification Document, Detailed Design Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report for Hydropower Component and Bidding Documents for Civil Works and Hydro Steel Structures (HSS) & Access Roads contract, Plant contract and 400 KV Transmission Lines contract.